This paper is a Cause and Effect argumentative paper. My topic for the paper is:

This paper is a Cause and Effect argumentative paper. My topic for the paper is:

This paper is a Cause and Effect argumentative paper. My topic for the paper is: what makes people in today’s generation want to try hardcore drugs? With how easy and accessible the internet and other forms of technology are, people either know the risk or have the access to learn the risk of what will happen when they consume hardcore drugs such as fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, ketamine, Ecstasy/ Molly type of drugs; so what is so compelling to play with fire ? ( because lack of resources or exposure is not an excuse anymore)
You are allowed to use the KJV Bible as 1 one of the sources If you are comfortable . One of my angles I was going to try to approach, is the lack of fear of God that people don’t have anymore in today current society. ( preferably a Christian reference, if you choose to use any religion as a source)
For the other sources please use from either Google Scholar, or Alabama Virtual library 🙂
Please focus equally on both opposing sides ( the CAUSE and EFFECT)