This week, you are exploring the importance of ethics in our field as well as th

This week, you are exploring the importance of ethics in our field as well as th

This week, you are exploring the importance of ethics in our field as well as the four foundational principles. For this discussion, post something to the discussion board related to the importance of ethics or the development of an ethical code and this week’s readings.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Explain how the code may help prevent situations such as those that occurred at the Sunland Training Center in Miami. Describe the safeguards that were put in place to prevent abuses in state-funded facilities.
Do you think enough was done to prevent abuse in the name of behavior analysis from occurring again? Defend your answer by explaining why or why not.
Discuss something that stood out to you this week. Was there a topic in one of the readings that was especially interesting and caught your attention? Describe how this information could be useful to you in the future.
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