This week, you will (1) Read Chapter 9, (2) Complete discussion 7, and (3) finis

This week, you will (1) Read Chapter 9, (2) Complete discussion 7, and (3) finis

This week, you will (1) Read Chapter 9, (2) Complete discussion 7, and (3) finish work on your final project.
Final Project
Develop your own case study!
Part 1
Pick a case to report on where a company has done an exceptionally good job handling a PR crisis OR an exceptionally bad job in your community
Give us a background on the case/situation. Share overall thoughts of the case.
Part 2
Using everything you learned in this course, describe what you would do to handle this case better or differently
Research: Utilize a PR Management theory to decribe the public’s perception (1-2 page min)
To better understand the organization/client in your case, create a client brief (details on how to complete in Week 6).
After you finish your research, identify the problem, define audiences, formulate a strategy and set objectives. Be thorough in this part. Think of the outlets you would use to communicate, the messages you would send, and tone in which you would write them.
What would your ideal outcomes of this case be after you finish your programming?
Create a 1-2 page client brief and a 3-5 page report (minimum 5 sources – APA format)
Discussion 6
Rubrics accompany each discussion, so it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the rubric process and check it each time you complete a discussion.
In regard to the PR Case “It’s the Real Thing”, Who can speak for the Holocaust? Can only survivors or descendants of survivors speak out?
If only survivors or descendants of survivors can speak out, will we as a society eventually lose the memory and meaning of the Holocaust?
Does religion play a role? Can non-Jews comment on the horrors of the Holocaust?
Does age play a role? Can people with no first-hand experience of the Holocaust make commentary on what it means?