This week’s chapter on Social Structure and the Individual describes The Twenty-

This week’s chapter on Social Structure and the Individual describes The Twenty-

This week’s chapter on Social Structure and the Individual describes The Twenty-Statements Test as developed by Kuhn and McPartland. First, number a paper between 1-20 and at the top, write down the question “Who Am I?” Then, try to fill in an answer for each of the twenty spaces. (For examples, see the section titled “The Individual”.) Look at your list of 20 and choose one response that is an achieved status and one response that is an ascribed status, then write a reflection of at least 500 words (in essay format) that addresses these questions for both your achieved status and your ascribed status:
-What makes this status achieved/ascribed?
-Why is this status important to your identity?
-How does this status affect and/or reflect your social roles?
-How does this status affect and/or reflect your social groups?
Note: you do not need to include your entire list of 20 responses.