Three components that went into effect from the Affordable Care Act are: requir

Three components that went into effect from the Affordable Care Act are: requir

Three components that went into effect from the Affordable Care Act are: require individuals to purchase health insurance, require employers with 50 or more employees to offer health insurance, and prevent denial of care for those with pre-existing conditions. One of the goals of the act was to expand insurance coverage so everyone has some basic care coverage. The goal was to get at least 32 million more people insured by 2019 (“Understanding the Affordable”, 2022). Individuals had to buy health insurance or face a $900 annual penalty when they filed their taxes. ACA offered little cost plans such as $20 a month for health insurance (“Understanding the Affordable”, 2022). This positively impacts low income families by providing cheap insurance. However, some argue that forcing people to buy something is unethical. The Affordable Care Act has increased the demand for nurses and health care providers as insurance coverage has expanded. It has been argued that the ACA has worsened the nursing shortage. Employers are now required to offer health insurance if they have more than 50 employees (“The Affordable Care”, 2020). This positively affects low income individuals who would otherwise have to purchase private plans that are very expensive. Some places like Home Depot offer insurance for $45 per pay period, which is significantly cheaper than private plans. Small companies that offer health insurance also get a tax benefit if they offer health insurance. A huge win for the people is that people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage. This greatly benefits those with chronic conditions such as diabetes and cancer. Prior to ACA, those people had to pay more money to get covered for having conditions that are out of their control. This was an unethical practice as every one deserves equal treatment and they did not choose to be ill. The ACA places a greater focus on outcomes, with more pressure on nurses to show they can give effective care (“The Affordable Care”, 2020). References
The Affordable Care Act and Nursing. (2020). NurseJournal.…
‌Understanding the Affordable Care Act. (2022). American Medical Association.…