To prepare for your PowerPoint video presentation, review the video below:    Th

To prepare for your PowerPoint video presentation, review the video below:  

To prepare for your PowerPoint video presentation, review the video below:  
 Thurston Films. (2018, May 17). LGBT ME: A Conversation on Mental Health within the LGBT Community (short documentary) The video you finding in you tube .
PauseMuteRemaining Time -6:021xPlayback RatePicture-in-PictureFullscreen 
Once you have reviewed the video, create a Microsoft PowerPoint with voice-over. 
The presentation should be no less than five minutes and no more than ten minutes in length, covering the following: 
Provide a summary of the health disparity, cultural competency, and ethical issues in the article or video. 
Describe your reaction to the video or article and what we can do as mental health providers.