topic : Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help i

topic : Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help i

topic : Evaluate how advanced nursing education and lifelong learning can help improve patient outcomes. Include current research that links patient safety outcomes to advanced degrees in nursing. Based on some real-life experiences, explain whether you agree or disagree with this research. How can the application of the Christian Worldview help improve patient outcomes?
Example 1 ( Balwinder)
In the field of health, lifelong professional education is regarded as a qualitative indicator since it can enhance the knowledge, abilities, and nursing care provided by health professionals.
An increasing amount of research indicates that patients in hospitals with a higher percentage of nurses who hold a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN), as well as decreased chances of passing away and failing to perform a rescue. Increases in the percentage of BSN-holding nurses in hospitals have been linked to lower mortality rates, better patient safety, and higher care quality over time. The Institute of Medicine recommended in 2010 that by 2020, at least 80% of nurses in the workforce hold a BSN or higher degree due to compelling data. We looked examined the connection between nurse staffing, survival with good brain performance following cardiac arrest, and hospital nurse educational level—that is, the proportion of nurses in the hospital with at least a BSN. We postulated that, even after accounting for patient and other hospital characteristics, patients who suffered cardiac arrest would have a higher chance of surviving with good cerebral performance in hospitals with lower patient-to-nurse ratios and higher proportions of nurses with baccalaureate-level education. The projected likelihood of surviving to discharge with good cerebral performance increased significantly with larger staffing levels of BSN-trained nurses . The resuscitation quality indicators that hospitals reported varied little, though, and we could not identify any meaningful correlations between BSN nurse staffing and resuscitation process measures to account for the connection between patient outcomes and nursing education.
Statements claiming associate-trained nurses perform worse than bachelor-trained nurses are not always something I can agree or disagree with. Compared to some bachelor’s degree nurses, I’ve encountered associate and certificate level nurses who are far wiser. I believe that the nurse’s viewpoint and experience level are the most crucial factors in producing favorable patient results. It’s highly likely that a long-experienced associate-trained nurse will do better than a recently graduated bachelor-trained nurse. I wholeheartedly concur that compared to associate qualified nurses, a bachelor’s trained nurse could be better equipped to adapt to learning new ideas and procedures. To make sure the nurse is a good match in your department, it’s critical to go beyond the nurse’s degree and assess how passionate she is about her work. It’s crucial that everyone of us examines our own viewpoints on our work and makes sure we’re doing everything within our power each and every day to provide the best results for our patients.
Harrison JM, Aiken LH, Sloane DM, Brooks Carthon JM, Merchant RM, Berg RA, McHugh
MD; American Heart Association’s Get With the Guidelines–Resuscitation Investigators. In
Hospitals With More Nurses Who Have Baccalaureate Degrees,
Better Outcomes For Patients After Cardiac Arrest. Health Aff (Millwood). 2019 Jul;38(7):1087-1094. Doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2018.05064. PMID: 31260358; PMCID: PMC6681904.
Lera M, Taxtsoglou K, Iliadis C, Frantzana A, Kourkouta L. Nurses’ Attitudes Toward Lifelong
Learning via New Technologies. Asian Pac Isl Nurs J. 2020;5(2):89-102. doi:
10.31372/20200502.1088. PMID: 33043137; PMCID: PMC7544016.
Example 2 (Puneetpal)
Advanced nursing education and lifelong learning play crucial roles in improving patient outcomes by enhancing nurses’ knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities. Research consistently demonstrates that nurses with advanced degrees, such as master’s or doctoral degrees, contribute to better patient safety outcomes and overall quality of care (Mlambo, Silén, & McGrath, 2021). For example, a study published in the Journal of Nursing Administration found that hospitals with a higher proportion of nurses with bachelor’s degrees or higher had lower mortality rates and fewer adverse patient events.
In my own experience, I have witnessed the profound impact of advanced nursing education on patient care. Nurses with advanced degrees often possess specialized knowledge in areas such as critical care, oncology, or gerontology, allowing them to provide more comprehensive and evidence-based care to their patients (Holly, Salmond, & Saimbert, 2021). Additionally, their advanced training equips them to take on leadership roles, advocate for patients’ needs, and participate in interdisciplinary care teams, all of which contribute to improved patient outcomes.
The application of the Christian worldview in nursing practice can further enhance patient outcomes by emphasizing values such as compassion, empathy, and holistic care. Nurses guided by Christian principles prioritize the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of their patients, promoting healing and wholeness. By incorporating spiritual care into their practice, nurses can address patients’ spiritual needs, provide comfort and support during times of illness or suffering, and foster hope and resilience.
In conclusion, advanced nursing education and lifelong learning are essential for improving patient outcomes and promoting patient safety. Nurses with advanced degrees contribute to better patient outcomes through their expertise, leadership, and commitment to lifelong learning. Furthermore, the application of the Christian worldview in nursing practice can enhance patient care by emphasizing compassion, holistic care, and spiritual support.
Mlambo, M., Silén, C., & McGrath, C. (2021). Lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing professional development, a metasynthesis of the literature. BMC nursing, 20, 1-13.
Holly, C., Salmond, S., & Saimbert, M. (Eds.). (2021). Comprehensive systematic review for advanced practice nursing.
Example 3 ( Adriana)
The idea of lifelong learning encourages and provides the opportunity for nurses to stay competent and up to date with recent studies and evidence-based practices to ensure optimal patient outcomes. Processing knowledge over one’s career helps individuals make informed decisions regarding any potential situations (Thomas, 2022). Overtime, experienced nurses can utilize personal experiences and their plethora of knowledge to help approach complex situations and provide input relevant to encourage health promotion. Qualified nurses can obtain additional certifications or go back to school to advance in their career. In one study, nurses’ critical thinking score increased after education was provided, and direct hands-on experience was implemented (Liu et al., 2021, p.5). More exposure allowed nurses to see the positive results brought on by EBP in a clinical setting. Trained nurses with a strong foundation know how to use recent practices to promote positive patient outcomes while at bedside. BSN-prepared nurses utilize evidence-based practices effectively by incorporating internal and external factors resulting in holistic care to be provided for their patients. Nurses with an expanded scope of practice can then use different resources to seek out specific services to help address a patient’s needs. For many, spirituality has provided a protective factor to help foster resiliency and recovery (de Brito Sena et al., 2021). Spirituality provides individuals with the tools to seek out to express meaning and purpose to relate to self, others, and the world around them. Nurses can help create a healing environment for the physical and spiritual self to respect human dignity. Being empathetic to patients and family members can help provide them with a sense of faith, hope, and honor. In doing so, the necessary care plans are implemented. In this case, identifying support systems, providing resources, and educating on coping mechanisms can provide the needed answers to ensure the appropriate care is implemented.
In the beginning of this program, I was adamant that being a nurse was not defined by the amount of degrees, but rather the amount of experience. I was not a fan of the discourse that often-accompanied nurses who only held an associate’s being constantly compared to those with higher degrees. I’ve worked with amazing nurses with associates who I learned many things early in my career. However, as classes continued, I realized that there is no limit to the amount of knowledge a nurse can hold. Obtaining degrees is the result, yes. However, the journey of learning and the experience advancing one’s career gives nurses ensures their patients are receiving the best care. Nurses working together to support new nurses breaks the stigma of isolation. Also, encouraging nurses to continue with their goals and breaking the stereotype of only staying at bedside. Encouraging nurses that they are more than the license, but rather a human who is filled with goals and growth.
de Brito Sena, M. A., Damiano, R. F., Lucchetti, G., & Peres, M. F. P. (2021). Defining Spirituality in Healthcare: A Systematic Review and Conceptual Framework. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 756080.
Liu, M., Lin, Y., Dai, Y., Deng, Y., Chun, X., Lv, Y., Yang, H., & He, F. (2021). A multi-dimensional EBP educational program to improve evidence-based practice and critical thinking of hospital-based nurses: Development, implementation, and preliminary outcomes. Nurse Education in Practice, 52.….
Thomas, J. (2022). Professional development in nursing. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.), Trends in Health Care: A Nursing Perspective. (2nd edition).