Total word count: 400-500 words Please provide a personal action for the green t

Total word count: 400-500 words
Please provide a personal action for the green t

Total word count: 400-500 words
Please provide a personal action for the green transition in the context of a commercial bank (ESG Division) and I’m ESG Manager.
1-Your initiative: Provide a name and a brief description of your green transition initiative.
2- Your reflections: What concepts, ideas, questions or frameworks from this programme most apply to your initiative? How have interactions with your peers, your programme advisor, or faculty influenced you to take action?
3- Action Plan
– Implementation phases:
– Timeline:
– Resources:
-Tracking progress:
– Anticipated challenges or obstacles:
– Communication Plan
4- Additional notes: Additional notes
Any other notes or comments you would like to include in your plan