Unit 1 Discussion (Jan. 23-Feb. 4) 1313 unread replies.1313 replies. Women’s Rig

Unit 1 Discussion (Jan. 23-Feb. 4)
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
Women’s Rig

Unit 1 Discussion (Jan. 23-Feb. 4)
1313 unread replies.1313 replies.
Women’s Rights Activism and Feminism(s)
This is the discussion forum specifically designed for Unit 1. Please post at least one well-thought out question (avoid questions that solicit simple answers such as “yes” or “no”) based on the readings or the viewings. You are also required to respond to at least one post from a classmate.
Your response should be between 100-150 words. You need to refer to the readings or the viewings. You will be graded based on the depth of your question(s) and response(s).