Unit III includes Chapter 7:The Legislature. As it is stated in this chapter one

Unit III includes Chapter 7:The Legislature. As it is stated in this chapter one

Unit III includes Chapter 7:The Legislature. As it is stated in this chapter one of the functions of the Texas Legislature is to allocate the budget of the state; that is, they decide how the money of the state is spent, in which areas and how much is allocated to each area. For this forum you will pretend to be a member of the TX Legislature.
This forum has 3 parts, you must answer all parts to receive credit.
Create a new thread for your initial post.
In the subject area write down your first and last name only.
Each of your answers in each part must be in small paragraphs (between 5-7 complete college-level sentences for each answer).
Use good spacing between paragraphs (do not write everything in one long paragraph.
Use good spelling, good grammar, and good word choice.
Make sure you do not sound repetitive.
Be respectful.
Part I
Suppose you are a member of the Texas Legislature and you have to give your recommendation on how to allocate $100 million dollars at the local level. You can only spend it on 5 of the areas listed below. How would you use the money? Make a list of the 5 areas you consider the most important areas and explain why. Put them in order of importance to you and tell your fellow members of the legislature how much money you would allocate to each area.
NOTE: You cannot allocate the money equally across all 5 areas.
•sports facilities
•recycling sites
•mental health facilities
•sheriff departments
•roads, bridges and highways
•child protective services
•emergency shelters
•nursing homes
•public transportation
•public libraries
•tourism development
•domestic violence programs
•housing programs
•parks and wildlife
•jails and prisons
•beaches and waterways development
•drug rehabilitation programs
•programs for people with disabilities
•animal shelters
•regional airports
Start your post by saying “Good morning members of the Texas Legislature, I’m Representative ___________ (or Senator _____________ you pick what you want to be!) and here is my proposal to allocate the $100 million dollars for the current budget cycle:”
Part II
Each of your answers must be in small paragraphs (between 5-7 college-level sentences each answer).
Make a list of the 3 areas that are the least important to you from the entire list and explain why they are your bottom 3.