Use Chapter 16 to help you understand each of the following components and Book

Use Chapter 16 to help you understand each of the following components and Book

Use Chapter 16 to help you understand each of the following components and Book II for teaching ideas where your topic may be covered more. You will be covering:
– Goals
– Three learning objectives that you want the patient/client to learn or reach
– Content you will teach
– Evaluation of each objective
(1) Turn in a one to two-page paper. It can be ¾ of page if you cover all topics, length is subjective.

Double space your lines. Font: Times New Roman, size 12 font. Do not use AI for this.
Do not plagiarize, make sure to restate ideas in your own words and cite your teaching material.
Reference page – Two sources minimal. Must be in APA formatting. you can have more). One
can be your Fundamentals textbook and the other one must be a scholarly (peer-reviewed)
article within the last five years. See rubric