Using the PDF of the text provided below, please read chapter 3 and summarize th

Using the PDF of the text provided below, please read chapter 3 and summarize th

Using the PDF of the text provided below, please read chapter 3 and summarize the text. This will be the only source used.
After reading Chapter 3 in the textbook, you will complete this chapter summary assignment and submit here.
Each summary should “capture” the content of the chapter in your own words, including relevant definitions, strategies, identifying characteristics, and themes of TIC.
Use the best organization strategies to help you remember the information. For example, students often manipulate the headings, margins, the use of bold print, underline, highlight lists, etc. to summarize the information.
In essence, you are writing a document that looks more like a study guide and less like a paper.
1. Read Chapter 3.
2. Using what you read, create a summary of the chapter that organizes the information in a way that is logical to you. Organize your chapter summary as you would a study guide for an exam. Use headings, bold, underline, indent, etc., to draw attention to the important parts of the reading and break up various sections. You get to keep your textbook at the end of the semester; therefore, do NOT copy and paste text from the reading. The assignment is intended for you, in your own words, to synthesize a chapter of information into a summary of information and takeaway points from you as a reader. This process replaces a traditional exam and therefore should require a similar amount of effort.
3. Then, once you have completed your summary, create a “Takeaways” section at the end of the document. Here, list the three most important concepts, terms, or statements in the chapter at the bottom of your chapter summary. Explain why each of the three were meaningful for you.
4. Aim for 2 full, typed, double-spaced pages when the assignment is completed; more than two pages is unnecessary and less than 1 1/2-2 full pages will not be sufficient.
5. Refer to the rubric for more detailed assessment information.
6. Be sure that you have reviewed the plagiarism