Video: EpsonStHelierNHS. (2019, September 17). Make or break: Incivility in the

Video: EpsonStHelierNHS. (2019, September 17). Make or break: Incivility in the

Video: EpsonStHelierNHS. (2019, September 17). Make or break: Incivility in the workplace ESTH 2019. [Video].
1. Provide two concrete examples of differences in communication styles between the individuals in the videos. (1–2 paragraphs)
2. Explain one possible cause of ineffective interpersonal communication in the video. Explain one possible consequence of the ineffective communication displayed. (2 paragraphs)
3. Explain how social and cultural differences can contribute to communication issues between colleagues. Explain how these same differences can strengthen a workplace. (1–2 paragraphs)
4. Describe two healthy communication strategies that could have been used by individuals in the video to improve the situation. (1–2 paragraphs)