Video Watch Summarize (VWS) Instructions: 1. Watch the videos linked in the desc

Video Watch Summarize (VWS) Instructions:
1. Watch the videos linked in the desc

Video Watch Summarize (VWS) Instructions:
1. Watch the videos linked in the descriiption section below.
2. Type a summary of each video with at least 2 paragraphs of 5 sentences per paragraph. In paragraph #1, give an overview of each of the videos. In paragraph #2, answer the following:
Provide examples of the importance of measurement in everyday life
Discuss at least 2 reasons why unit conversions are necessary
This video assignment supports the following objectives:
Recognize and use SI Base Units and Prefixes

Video (VWS) Assignment – Units of Measure: Scientific Measurements & SI System
These videos will introduce you to the SI System.
Units of Measure: Scientific Measurement & the SI System Links to an external site.
Converting Units of Measure Links to an external site.(Watch ALL videos)