Website to read before doing assignment Elections

Website to read before doing assignment

Website to read before doing assignment Elections
This week you were assigned Podcasts to review. For this weeks assignment, select a Podcast on elections and discuss the following:
1.Name of Podcast selected,
2.Why the Podcast was selected,
3.Summary of the Podcast (discussion),
4.Reflect on the Podcast and critically discuss its correlation to elections,
5.What is your opinion of of the Podcast discussion (are you persuaded, stable, fluctuating, swaying) after listening to the Podcast,
6.Would you recommend this Podcast to someone (to help them understand elections)?
Responses should be thoughtful, clear and concise. All responses should be 8-15 sentences in length. Use APA style citations where appropriate, to validate claims. Be sure to respond to at least two colleagues posts
Important Info
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Please clarify some paper details before starting to work on the order.
Type of paper and subject
Number of sources and formatting style
Type of service (writing, rewriting, etc)