WEEK 1 REFLECTION: When I’m 80 One way to start thinking about aging at a person

One way to start thinking about aging at a person

One way to start thinking about aging at a personal level is to imagine yourself as an old person. This first reflection asks you to write a reflection that describes what you think you will be like when you are 80 years old.
Think about the following domains as you imagine what your life might be like when you are 80 years old: your physical self; your emotional/mental self; your family and social life; your financial status; your spiritual/religious life; and the legacy you would like to leave. You might also consider issues such as where you will live; what a typical day will “look like”/how you spend your time; and your biggest challenges, fears, opportunities and joys. Please be realistic when thinking about all of these domains. Obviously you can not comprehensively address each of these issues, but provide enough information so that the person reading this has a sense of what you think you will be like as an old person. Your reflection should be 2-3 double spaced, typed pages (approximately 400-500 words). A good reflection will describe your ideas about aging, using some of the gerontological concepts and vocabulary we have included in class this week. The quality of your writing (including organization, spelling and grammar) matter!