-What are some common barriers that women often face in America preventing them

-What are some common barriers that women often face in America preventing them

-What are some common barriers that women often face in America preventing them from experiencing social justice? How can social workers address these issues at the micro and macro levels?
-Women who live in countries other than the United States often experience prejudice and discrimination that women in the United States do not experience due to either cultural norms or laws which are in place to protect them. Use library resources to locate one article which discusses at least one of these. An example may be countries which deny females the right to formal The source should be a professional article. -There are many reasons why you might write a news release for your agency. These include announcements of a new service provided by the agency, the need to publicize an existing service, or a desire to recruit volunteers. Working with and using the news media to publicize events, activities, and perspectives is an essential skill. News releases are one of the easiest ways to keep the media informed about your agency or activity. As in any news article, basic information is expected by the reader. This includes such items as who, what, where, why, when and how.
Requirement: Prepare your own news release. The entire release should be no longer than one page and in APA format. Include the following:
Who (person or agency) is the news release about?
What is important enough to deserve a news article?
When did or will this event occur?
Where or in what location did or will it occur?
Why is this being brought to the attention of the public?
How did or will the event occur?