Write a cohesive paper with a central thesis statement that assesses–and ties t

Write a cohesive paper with a central thesis statement that assesses–and ties t

Write a cohesive paper with a central thesis statement that assesses–and ties together–the following specific aspects of your communication patterns in an interpersonal relationship you have with someone important in your life.
Aspect 1: Identify the nature of the interpersonal relationship (e.g., friend, romantic partner, family member, etc.). Then describe what is wrong–or what could be improved–in the relationship. OR, if you are particularly satisfied with a relationship, identify the nature of the relationship and state why you think it is going so well (using a communication concept as your reason, of course).
Aspect 2: Describe the toughest communication or relational obstacle YOU face in YOUR efforts to improve the relationship in the way you want to. OR, describe how you and your relational partner manage to proactively avoid tough communication or relational obstacles.
**Keep your answer about you and your actions, not about the other person or their actions.
Aspect 3: Describe a strategy for interacting with the person differently that directly addresses both what you want to improve with the relationship AND the obstacles to improving it that you identified above. OR, describe a strategy for maintaining a functional relationship in the future, say, in the event of large life and personal changes.
To address the above aspects of communication, select concepts presented in Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and any supplemental readings during those weeks (do not use concepts from any other chapters). Make sure to draw from more than 1 chapter in your answers. The top-scoring papers will draw from 3 different chapters.
Make sure to adhere to our AI policy.
Your paper should be between 750-1000 words (approx. 3-4 double-spaced pages with 12 point font)
Select ONE concept to discuss to answer EACH question. Use a different concept to answer each question. Only use concepts from the course.
Use APA formatting style (Links to an external site.) for in-text citations and your References list. This APA sample paper shows you exactly how APA style should look in your 1210 papers. Also: Example of a 1210 student’s A+ paper, and Example of a 1210 student’s C paper.
ONLY cite the textbook or lecture slides.
Citation for textbook:
O’Hair, D., Weimann, M., Mullin, D. I., & Teven, J. (2021). Real communication (5th edition). Bedford/St. Martin’s.
The in-text citation is (O’Hair et al., 2021).
Citation format for lecture slides (fill in the relevant info for the specific slide deck you are citing)
Jahn, J. (2024, month and day of lecture). Title of lecture [PDF]. Department of Communication, University of Colorado at Boulder.
For example: Jahn, J. (2024, January 22). Communication: Essential human behavior [PDF]. Department of Communication, University of Colorado Boulder.
The in-text citation is (Jahn, 2024 January 22)
Writing about course concepts:
Write an essay that includes a brief introduction with thesis statement, the application of the three concepts according to the questions above, and a short conclusion.
Write in essay format using paragraphs and prose, and tie together everything your are covering into a cohesive essay with one central thesis statement. That means:
No bullet points.
No outlines.
Don’t treat the 3 aspects of communication as separate mini-essays.
Introduce each concept.
Define each concept according to the textbook or other course reading.
Cite the reading where you got the definition, using APA formatting both in text and in your References page.
Explain each concept, and apply it to your life to answer the prompt question.