Write a paper in which you discuss whether or not any of the following Renaissan

Write a paper in which you discuss whether or not any of the following Renaissan

Write a paper in which you discuss whether or not any of the following Renaissance themes are still relevant in the twenty-first century:

Triumphs: Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time, Eternity


Carpe Diem


Ideal person on pedestal

In your essay, you should demonstrate some familiarity with the following poems:

William Shakespeare, Sonnet 18

William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116

William Shakespeare, Sonnet 130

Robert Herrick, “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”

Richard Lovelace, “To Lucasta, Going to the Wars”

The following questions may help formulate an essay:

Is social media a platform for Fame?
Does modern society still have conflicting values, such as the pagan and Christian values that combined to produce the Triumphs during the Renaissance?
Do any contemporary movies dramatize an updated version of any of the Renaissance values listed above?