write a Précis for chapter. 14& 15 Book: Kordas, Ann et al. World History, Volum

write a Précis for chapter. 14& 15
Book: Kordas, Ann et al. World History, Volum

write a Précis for chapter. 14& 15
Book: Kordas, Ann et al. World History, Volume 1: to 1500 OpenStax™
Two pages, double-spaced, 1-inch, justified margins
• Font: Times New Roman, size 12. Chicago citation as footnotes when necessary.
• What exactly is a précis? It is a concise rewriting of a text you have read. As with any other paper, cite
the author when paraphrasing or quoting (for this type of assignment, keep both to a minimum); be sure to
match the tone of the original author(s) while using your own words. Do NOT insert your own opinions,
arguments, or interpretations: only present those contained within the original text.