Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for t

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for t

Write the definitions of the functions to implement the operations defined for the class dateType in Programming Exercise 6.
You may write a main.cpp to test your class dateType. You will only be graded on the contents of the dateType class. Make sure your dates are formatted MM-DD-YYYY.
Task #01: dateType class works as expected
Task #02: Implement the numberOfDaysPassed function of the dateTypeclass
Task #03: Implement the getDaysInMonth function of the dateType class
Task #04: Implement the isLeapYear function of the dateType class
Task #05: The incrementDate method increments the day by the given number of days
Task #06: numberOfDaysLeft function returns the number of days left in the year

Posted in C++