You are a consultant to the CEO of CapraTek. You were hired to analyze 15 worker

You are a consultant to the CEO of CapraTek. You were hired to analyze 15 worker

You are a consultant to the CEO of CapraTek. You were hired to analyze 15 worker complaint letters received by the company. Using the complaints and the data for CapraTek employees at the Illinois, Georgia, and Alabama sites, you will conduct an analysis of the complaints and their risk to the company. This analysis will be presented using a table. You may use the sample CapraTek Complaint Analysis Table [DOCX] Download CapraTek Complaint Analysis Table [DOCX]provided.
When you have completed your analysis of the complaints, prepare a 1–2-page executive summary addressed to the CEO that summarizes the information in your table. Your summary should describe any legal exposure resulting from the complaints, highlighting those that represent the most severe risk.
Please include both the table and the executive summary in one document.
Scholarship: Use 3–4 professionally reputable sources to support your main points and analysis. Be sure to include scholarly sources. Course readings may be included among the required sources.
APA formatting: All resources and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
Length: 5–6 typed, double-spaced pages, in addition to the cover page, illustrations, reference page, and appendix.
Font and font size: Consistent, APA-compliant font, 12–point.