You are required to use the pre-formatted PowerPoint Poster template provided in

You are required to use the pre-formatted PowerPoint Poster template provided in

You are required to use the pre-formatted PowerPoint Poster template provided in Canvas. You are encouraged to add professional design elements (color, background) to your poster, but you may not change the poster’s layout or headings. The poster’s content must be presented in a concise format using bullet points and not paragraph format. Poster Components: Title Row: Insert Project Title and Student Name Using Title Case Project title should align with the capstone topic. Include your first and last name followed by your academic and professional credentials. Practicum Setting and Problem Identification Practicum Setting Identify the practicum setting. Do not use the name of the healthcare organization or facility (maintain confidentiality and anonymity of the practicum site). Identification of Nursing Problem. Identify the nursing problem at the practicum site. Provide internal data that shows how the problem interrupts daily workflow, processes, and/or care to patients. Provide research that validates this is a problem for nursing practice. Note: Research findings must come from a minimum of two peer-reviewed studies published within the last five years. Note: Research findings must be paraphrased without direct quotes Stakeholders, Preceptor, and Target Population Identify stakeholders and how you collaborated with them towards project completion. Identify the stakeholders, specific members of nursing leadership, and interprofessional providers that were involved in your project (Do not use individual names. Use descriptive titles only). Identify the target population. Identify target population according to type of leadership position and/or the specific area in which the target population works (i.e., 20 nurses on an ortho unit). Note: Do not use individual names of members in the target population (maintain confidentiality and anonymity of the target population). Short-term Goal Achievement State short-term goal and provide literature that validates the strategy selected was EBP. Literature findings must come from a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles published within the last five years. Literature findings must be paraphrased without direct quotes. Project Evaluation, Short-term and Long-term Outcome Achievement Identify your short-term outcome and method of data collection. Identify the outcome of the implementation phase. Present statistical or numerical results of the data collected during the implementation phase. Identify your long-term outcome. Reference List Provide a full reference list in APA style for sources used on the poster. Using matching in-text citations in APA style on the poster (where appropriate) for sources in the reference list. You should have a minimum of five peer-reviewed journal sources.