You have been retained as a consultant by a business that is considering product

You have been retained as a consultant by a business that is considering product

You have been retained as a consultant by a business that is considering production of a new product.
Thisproductionwouldrequireaninitialcapital outlayof$100million.Thiscapitalexpenditurecanbe depreciated(straight line) over a 4-year life of the project with no salvage value.Assume the firmfacesa 25% marginaltaxrate anda cost of capital of 9%. If the projectis funded,theresultingNet Operating ProfitBEFOREDepreciation & Taxes(thinkEBITDA) aregivenbelow.
Net Operating Profit BEFOREDepreciation & Taxes (EBITDA)
For purposes of your initial analysis (parts a through d) assume that accounting depreciation and economic depreciation are the same.
There are questions (a) through (f)