You will choose a topic to prepare a 4 to 5 minute PowerPoint presentation on. T

You will choose a topic to prepare a 4 to 5 minute PowerPoint presentation on. T

You will choose a topic to prepare a 4 to 5 minute PowerPoint presentation on. Topic
choice/presentation order will be random and assigned in class. There is no requirement for
number of slides, your focus should be to not land significantly under or over the time
requirement above.
For the Careers Groups:
Your presentation should be informative and interesting and is directed toward your fellow
390W students. You should explain what the career is about and anything else that you think a
student would find interesting. Be sure and cover any certifications that are typical in your
group’s career track. Be sure to explain how your career might differ depending on whether
you work for the Big-4, a midsize firm or in the corporate career group (if applicable)
—-My topic is Bookkeeper