You will complete the project that you propose. It will take one of two forms: A

You will complete the project that you propose. It will take one of two forms:

You will complete the project that you propose. It will take one of two forms:
A 1500-2000 word research essay that will address a topic of your choice related to themes of our class, or;
A creative project such as a podcast, video/photo-essay, short story or digital/plastic art project that is informed by research and addresses a topic of your choice related to themes of our class. This will be accompanied by a short ‘artist statement’ that explains your work.
Topic: Platform Capitalism and selling “Race”
Noble, Safiya Umoja. (2018). Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. New York: NYU Press. Read: Introduction, pp. 1-14. Access here.
Sobande, Francesca. (2021) “Spectacularized and Branded Digital (Re) presentations of Black People and Blackness.” Television & New Media 22, no. 2 (2021): 131-146. Access here.
Shankar, Shalini. (2020). “Nothing Sells like Whiteness: Race, Ontology, and American Advertising.” American Anthropologist 122, no. 1 (2020): 112-119. Access here.