You will now submit your final draft of your explication. Often, students spend

You will now submit your final draft of your explication.
Often, students spend

You will now submit your final draft of your explication.
Often, students spend most of their time in revision simply editing. Editing is fixing errors, but revision indicates seeing something
again or with new vision. Revision should show improvement in analysis, organization, word choice, sentence structure, and
transitions. It requires checking the prompt again to be sure all the criteria have been met. You should absolutely use the advice of
your instructor in improving your writing and analysis, but also find your own ways to improve your writing. A final draft should show
differences from the original. If you are still waiting for comments, make your own revisions first! In this final draft, ensure that your
own writing is beautiful.
Remember that the assignment was as follows:
Task: Select any one of the poems you have read thus far (of course, you may use any notes and assignments you have completed
already!). Paraphrase and explicate it.
Step One: The Paraphrase
Create a two-column table. You will have the original poem with the title and author in the left column. In the right column,
paraphrase the poem, keeping the perspective and tense, line by line.
Step Two: The Explication
Write an essay that clearly explicates the poem. Explain the content/message/theme of the poem and discuss the effect of its
rhetorical and poetic devices.
The introduction will introduce the author and title of the work. Your thesis should state the central thematic statement of the
poem and tie it to rhetoric/syntax.
You will need to tackle one stanza at a time, dealing with every line in the poem. Include specific claims, integrated textual
evidence, and thorough warrants. Evidence must be quoted and cited.
Make sure to include the vocabulary, rhetorical devices, and purposeful grammar you have learned this year.
The conclusion should not be a summary. Instead, end by focusing on the concluding lines of the poem to tie everything
together, discussing a larger pattern of the poem, or incorporating research and relating it to your thoughts.
– I put correction requests in attachments as well as the essay, and the essay instructions