Your paper should be 100% your thoughts and ideas and based on information from

Your paper should be 100% your thoughts and ideas and based on information from

Your paper should be 100% your thoughts and ideas and based on information from the course/textbook. You should not be getting input elsewhere. In other words, do not copy or paste content from the internet. This is plagiarism. All papers submitted will be reviewed by Observing intercultural communication through film enables students to understand other people’s actions and to have empathy with members of minority groups. Films also vividly represent intercultural misunderstandings and the roots of racism.For this assignment, you will be applying principles of intercultural communication as demonstrated through film.
Watch the film and take detailed notes while watching
After watching the film and taking detailed notes, explore concepts you have learned in the course that best relate to the film you watched—you might want to watch parts of the film again. Some films will demonstrate concepts from more than one chapter.
In your paper you should explain in detail how the concepts of intercultural communication you chose relate to the dynamics of the relationship(s) highlighted in the film.
Your paper should contain at least three intercultural communication concepts from your textbook and should be at least 2-3 pages (double-spaced, one inch margins, 12 font).
Concepts chosen may come from one chapter or three chapters. For example, you might choose to watch the movie The Joy Luck Club and relate it to our discussion of intercultural competence in chapter 3, cultural patterns in chapter 4, and power distance in chapter 5 or you could three specific concepts from chapter 2 to relate to the movie. I want to see your analysis and insights throughout your paper. Your paper should be 100% your thoughts and ideas and based on information from the course/textbook. You should not be getting input elsewhere. In other words, do not copy or paste content from the internet. This is plagiarism. All papers submitted will be reviewed by Although films cannot substitute for actual interaction with members of other cultures, they can provide useful preparation for those encounters by fostering understanding and developing sensitivity. “Learning about stereotypes, ethnocentrism, discrimination, and acculturation in the abstract can be flat and uninspiring. But if we experience intercultural contact with our eyes and ears, we begin to understand it” (Summerfield 1993, p. 1).
Films that deal with different patterns of behavior (polychromic vs. Monochronic cultures, individualistic vs. collectivistic cultures, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, high-context vs. low-context communication)
chosen film: Cast Away focuses on a man who is stranded on a tropical island–questions the monochronic concept of planning and efficiency
movie link: