Your Reflection Paper will be 1-page, double-spaced. The purpose of this assignm

Your Reflection Paper will be 1-page, double-spaced. The purpose of this assignm

Your Reflection Paper will be 1-page, double-spaced. The purpose of this assignment is for you to share your own thoughts and reflections on a specific theme or reading/resource in this course. The goal is to show how you are understanding and engaging these topics from your own unique perspectives.This is the rubric/marking scheme. Knowledge
Do you understand the main argument(s) in this paper/video? Do you briefly and clearly describe them? Are there any other noteworthy issues, context, or complications that add to your understanding?
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEngagement
How do you engage with these arguments and issues? Do you clearly share your own reflections on them based on other readings/resources, and/or your own experiences? We’re interested in signs of depth and complexity of thinking with respect to the issues, so choose a topic that you are truly interested in.
4 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
Do you communicate your understanding and reflections clearly. Be careful to edit your short papers for grammar and writing style. If you bring in any other sources to your analysis, ensure you cite them properly (APA is fine, ie. Atleo, 2018; Kee, 2024, etc.)
2 pts