Your week 1 / assignment relates to Cengage chapter 11, “Product and Branding Co

Your week 1 / assignment relates to Cengage chapter 11, “Product and Branding Co

Your week 1 / assignment relates to Cengage chapter 11, “Product and Branding Concepts”, Essay Paper. Designed to reinforce the course’s learning objectives and, in conjunction with the final exam, will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
Read chapter 11
*Draft a paper about the the four variables of the marketing mix and the relation between product and pricing components.
APA formatted
3 pages of writing
Reference your work
Review the rubrics you will be graded on
*APA Formatting (Margins, Line Spacing, Running Head, Page Numbering,
Paragraphs Indents, Proper Referencing, In-Text Referencing, Font Style and Size)
= 2 pts
*Originality Report (70% or higher) = 1 pts
*Writing Volume (3 full pages) = 1pt
*Referencing Sources (Textbook and at least one other source of reference from the
Electronic Library) = 1 pts