4. How did women link their struggle for recognition with the Progressive Moveme

4. How did women link their struggle for recognition with the Progressive Moveme

4. How did women link their struggle for recognition with the Progressive Movement of the late 1800s and early 1900s? Develop your answer by tracing the origins of the women’s movement, discussing the major leaders and their organizations, along with the ways in which women shifted their argument from one for “justice” to one for “expediency.” Why was the women’s movement considered radical at its inception? How did women reshape their argument(s) to be less offensive to society? What were the successes that women gained at the national level by using this tactic? Do you feel that their compromise was a clever move or that it cost them their equal rights? Support your answer, using relevant information from the reading by William H. Chafe entitled “Not Wards of the Nation: The Struggle for Women’s Suffrage.”