4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetica

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetica

4.If a woman is homozygous normal and her husband is heterozygous for a genetically inherited recessive disease and they decide to become parents, what is the probability that they will have a healthy child?
Use the information below to answer the following questions.
XH- X chromosome with normal dominant allele (no hemophilia)
Xh – X chromosome with recessive hemophilia allele
Y – Y chromosome (does not contain comparable gene)
XB – X chromosome with normal dominant allele (not colorblind)
Xb – X chromosome with recessive colorblind allele
Y -Y chromosome (does not contain comparable gene)
4. What is the probability that a colorblind woman who marries a man with normal
vision will have a colorblind child? _____________
_____________ X _____________
5.A normal-sighted woman (whose father was colorblind)
marries a colorblind man. _____________ X _____________
6.What is the probability that they will have a son
who is colorblind? _____________7.What is the probability that they will have a colorblind daughter? _____________
For the following Sex-Linked Punnett Squares:
H= normal blood clotting
8.XHXh crossed with XHY
What is the probability that any of their offspring
will have hemophilia? _____________1.A woman who is a carrier for hemophilia marries a hemophiliac man:
a. What proportion of the male children are
hemophiliacs? _____________b. What proportion of the female children are
hemophiliacs? _____________
2.A phenotypically normal man marries a homozygous normal woman.
_____________ X _____________
a. What is the probability that any of their children
will be hemophiliacs? _____________
3.A phenotypically normal woman has phenotypically normal parents. However, she has a hemophiliac brother.
(Mom is carrier) (Dad) Brother
_____________ _____________
a. What are her chances of being a carrier for
hemophilia? _____________