A few questions to think about: What was the main argument the author was tryi

A few questions to think about:

What was the main argument the author was tryi

A few questions to think about:

What was the main argument the author was trying to make?
Can you summarize the major points of the argument?
Is there a clear thesis statement? If so, where?
What is your general impression of the argument? Well written? Clear? Persuasive?
Were there any points that you found to be particularly insightful? Any that you found to be particularly problematic?
Does the author privilege evidence beneficial to their argument? If so where?
Do you perceive any biases in the writing? If so how and where? How do these biases affect the argument presented?
Is there evidence missing that should be discussed?

Please keep your response to 200
based on this article,
Wei-Cheng Lin, “Pefroming Center in a Vertical Rise: Multilevel Pagodas in China’s Middle Period,” Ars Orientalis 46 (2016): 100–134. [JSTOR] .