According to the picture below, Write Part D and E and the problem I chose is t”

According to the picture below, Write Part D and E and the problem I chose is t”

According to the picture below, Write Part D and E and the problem I chose is t”he amount of greenhouse emissions it creates to operate”. I already finished the first three parts which is in the word document below. You should write in third person perspective in Part D and first person in Part E.
In Part D, Write a solution for the two issues I wrote in the word document and how to implement the solution (including examples), how to implement the SDG+reason I wrote, the risks faced during implementation and how to solve this risk.
In part E, This part requires writing about the process of self-reflection rather than what has been learned from openai. For example, systematic thinking, the understanding of ethical/sustainability theory will be more in-depth with practice, critical thinking, connected consistent, etc. and add specific examples. Thank you so much!!!!!