Activity #4 – Hands-on Analytics Due Monday by 5pm Points 50 Submitting a file u

Activity #4 – Hands-on Analytics Due Monday by 5pm Points 50 Submitting a file u

Activity #4 – Hands-on Analytics Due Monday by 5pm Points 50 Submitting a file upload Available Feb 20 at 9am – Feb 26 at 5pm I cover this activity in Announcement (07). You have three options for your activity this week. Select an option, and complete the steps for the chosen option. Name your file accordingly. After reading all of the options, or planning purposes please complete the survey CLICK HERE with your intent. You can change your intent at any time without emailing me. I’m giving 5 points EC for completion of the survey by Wednesday at 11:59pm. Option 1: Looker Studio Analytics For this activity, you are to find a dataset of interest. Create a Looker Studio Account. Ingest the data that you find, and build a data story based on the principles you’ve learned in the textbook so far. You will be expected to complete a write up of what you learned and how you incorporated into your product. If you choose this option, you are expected to learn how to connect to Looker Studio on your own. You also have to find a dataset that you are interested in analyzing. There are not restrictions on what type of data story that you create. I would suggest trying to apply the Looker Studio components out of the box. The two difficult challenges of this option are to find a dataset of interest; and, the second is figuring out how to configure the Looker Studio canvas to the data you import. You may have issues with the data import, but working through those issues is a part of the experience. There is a lot of free and open data that you can find through a search on the Internet. Your file name that you submit will be Option 1 – First Last Option 2: Create Tennis Datasets We had a lot of success with the Tennis match on Sunday, February 18th. Coach Hyde was very thankful that we were there to support her program. The players were very excited and YOU made the difference. If you choose this option, you will be expected to help add content on X if you have an account. If you don’t, you might want to consider building one just for this assignment and then you can delete it in March. A part of this assignment is to add content as a group, and then analyze the tweets using a tool called Tweet Binder (https://www.tweetbinder.comLinks to an external site.). I will show examples of this in Announcement (07) based off the tweets the class contributed at the match. You will submit a write-up of this option provided some evidence of your tweets in a screenshot; you will also create a data dashboard using Tweet Binder; and, you will provide a short writeup of your analysis of the Tweet Binder. Your file name that you submit will be Option 2 – First Last NOTE: The tennis match is Friday, February 23 at 4:00pm against #1 ranked UNC. We can beat them and your energy made the difference especially in the DOUBLES POINT which is the first phase of the match. It’s a Friday, so let’s make it a fun Friday if you choose this event. It could be 4:00-7:00 and the program has asked for us to be LOUD again. We had great participation. Bring friends if you choose this option. Also, the hashtags for the UNC match are #BeatUNC #FSUBizAnalytics In the event of a rain event, the match would be moved to the indoor facility which is located by Seminole Legends. Their capacity is 350, so there would be a cap. You always have the two other options if a rain event occurs. Hopefully the weather will be great, and they will be outside just like this past Sunday. Option 3: ISM3541 Descriptive Analytics For this option, you will be taking an inventory of the content in this class through Week 6 which just ended on Monday, February 19th. You will be answering the following tasks: 1. Provide a list of each message and data of each message. This includes all Announcements, lectures, Ted Talks, etc. of each page including the DSA RESOURCES page that has been moving from week-to-week. The goal of this task is to show a communications and messaging log of the course. 2. Provide an update to your course notes showing all of the learning objectives through Week 6. Now, in Week 6 – you were expected to read Chapters 4 and 5. I would expect your notes to reflect Chapters 4 and 5 even though the Lecture is in Week 7. The lecture is available to you if you want to watch it and consider it. The goal here is to ensure that you have been engaged weekly and are current with the material. If you’re playing catch-up, then this activity will help you be current. 3. Evaluating the Data Gathering Period from 2/13-2/26, I want you to answer the following questions based on 948 students. How many students should have completed the Baseline survey? When was the Baseline survey supposed to be complete? How many Daily records should we anticipate being completed based on 100% compliance? 90% compliance? 75% compliance? When is the CLOSING Survey open? When is DSA-1 due? What sections comprise DSA-1? When is the soonest the data sets could be available based on your understanding of the data gathering period? How many total questions are in the CLOSING survey? How many total questions are in the DAILY survey? How many total questions are in the BASELINE survey? What is the purpose of the IDENTIFIER? What is the purpose of Section 1? Section 2? Section 3? Section 4? Section 5? and Section 6? You will submit ONE file addressing all of the prompts and tasks listed in Option 3. Your file name that you submit will be Option 3 – First Last NEEDS TO BE DONE BY 5PM. Tomorrow 2/26/24