Americans consider the U.S. as a nation of giving, compassionate people. They w

Americans consider the U.S. as a nation of giving, compassionate people. They w

Americans consider the U.S. as a nation of giving, compassionate people. They willingly support any number of domestic and international causes that bring relief and hope to those in need. But with the increased need for global disaster assistance, some analysts point to what they call “Donor Fatigue.” This describes a situation where people no longer give to causes that they supported in the past. Among the causes attributed to this phenomenon is overstretched budgets, negative reaction to pressure tactics, and mismanaged donation campaigns. Another factor cited is that some programs provide assistance that is not warranted.
Critics point to the National Flood Insurance Program as an example. For example, the National Flood Insurance Program is experiencing problems because of extensive flooding in the past few years. The program had to pay out more money than it was able to take in. Many insurance companies refuse to underwrite flood insurance in certain locations because the potential liability exceeds the premiums they can charge. The US National Flood Insurance Program resulted from the recognition that private insurance companies can’t provide coverage at affordable rates that would allow them to be profitable. Critics assert that taxpayers should not be required to subsidize those who choose to build in known floodplains – they know the risk, and they should accept the risk.
Support your position if the National Flood Program subsidizes the risk of a minority of Americans and should be continued or discontinued. Support your position with cited examples and recommendations.
There are no right or wrong answers but you must support your response with critical thinking, relevant examples, and cited sources.
Post a substantive initial response (300 words minimum not including citations) to the initial discussion question.
Each reply post must be a minimum of 100 words not including citations.
Your posts must be based on factual academic information (not personal opinion) supported with citations to at least two (2) academic references in addition to the course materials. This is to demonstrate that you read and understood the assigned readings and all prior postings by the instructor and other students.
Please use the correct APA format in citing any source material you use. Refer to the APA Manual link posted in the Discussion area.