Analysis of a Film I: Smashed Writing Assignment Smashed is an independent film

Analysis of a Film I: Smashed Writing Assignment
Smashed is an independent film

Analysis of a Film I: Smashed Writing Assignment
Smashed is an independent film that depicts how young adults struggle socially, emotionally, and professionally when addicted to alcohol. As mentioned in class, alcohol dependence can lead to many hindrances within one’s normal life, and even though one may appear to be “functional,” the body and mind will eventually break down. The film attempts to demonstrate how difficult it really is to “be off the wagon” and follows the life of Kate’s fall and eventual commitment to being sober. Your assignment is to link the film (with clear evidence) to what we scientifically know about alcoholism’s symptomology, general maladaptive behaviors, and a clear need for recovery by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). In this film analysis, please adhere to the following guidelines:
Introduction: Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition Text Revised (DSM-V TR) symptoms from class, please liken Kate’s behavior to six of the stated criteria. In this section, no sources are needed (except maybe the DSM-V, if you want practice), so you are simply providing general instances of how Kate meets these criteria (the in-depth film analysis will be below).
Behavioral Analysis of Kate’s Problems: Based your introduction, you want to further delve into how Kate fits your criteria, but you also want to include a.) how the film effectively supports your criteria (you must cite the film in proper format, see below) as well as provide scientific research that empirically supports how such problematic symptoms have been addressed in the scientific community (in other words, you need evidence to back up your claim that Kate’s behaviors are in fact a serious mental health concern). In your linkage of the film to psychological theory, you must have at least five primary sources. The first of these sources is the film, in which you are citing it along proper American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines whenever discussing your evidence of stereotype formation in the film. The other three primary sources should be from empirical journals, in which you need to demonstrate literature that explores each symptoms. Information from your sources should also be cited abased on APA guidelines.
Conclusion: By the end of your film, you see how organizations like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) has been successful for some, but that process might take some time. Discuss how this process does take time for those who suffer from alcohol dependence in the real world. What social and professional factors might hinder a willingness to recover? Although you again want to link Kate’s experiences to this topic (again citing in APA format), you do not have to provide additional sources (but they may in fact help with what you are trying to say).
References: Please place all sources in proper American Psychological Association (APA). guidelines (using the 7th edition of the manual).
Your assignment should be at least 2000 words (which, double-spaced, 12-pt font, normal margins is just over 5 pages). It will be evaluated by a rubric that covers the following:
a.) Introduction: How well are you demonstrating your understanding of the criteria for substance abuse? Do you provide an effective preliminary link between the film and your chosen DSM criteria? Worth 20 points.
b.) Behavioral Analysis: How well are you linking both the film and your sources to support the problems of alcoholism? Both the film and your primary sources (SEE ME IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT THESE ARE) should be linked and follow a clear description of the symptoms that of Kate (and others) show when dependent on alcohol. All sources should be cited properly in APA format (worth a total of 50 points).
c.) Conclusion: How well does your conclusion characterize Kate’s (and other’s) struggles with trying to kick alcohol dependence? Any sources must again be in APA format.
d.) APA Documentation: Are you citing and referencing along the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (NOTE: YOU MUST ADHERE TO THE NEWEST EDITION (7th Ed)) (worth a total of 10 points)