Answer all four questions. You are restricted to one single-spaced page per resp

Answer all four questions.
You are restricted to one single-spaced page per resp

Answer all four questions.
You are restricted to one single-spaced page per response, using a normal 12-point font meant for a body of text, and normal margins.
Strive for responses that are direct and concise. Follow the guidelines discussed in the introductory part of the course (refer back to the powerpoints as necessary).
The ideal response represents an understanding of course material in your own words. So long as you do this, it is NOT necessary to formally cite readings on the syllabus, or include a bibliography/works-cited/etc. section.If you DO include quotations or paraphrasings of the readings, you absolutely MUST include proper references, in whatever widely-followed convention you prefer.
But, including quotations and references for the sake of including quotations and references is not the point here.
References to lecture slides are forbidden, properly cited or not. Slides are meant to be a facilitator of discussion, not a Cliff Notes-type alternative to doing the readings or following/participating in lecture. If you feel compelled to cite my lecture slides, re-consider the strength of your understanding of the corresponding material.