As we have been studying throughout this block, film is a visual art form. The s

As we have been studying throughout this block, film is a visual art form. The s

As we have been studying throughout this block, film is a visual art form. The second component of your Final Project is a 3-5 minute video presentation. This presentation should be a visual synopsis of your paper and should contain the following:
Visual examples of your findings
Audio – Voice over or on screen presentation of your entire presentation
3-5 minutes
Can be completed using a presentation software like powerpoint, prezi, etc
After creating your presentation, you can screen record your presentation using Voicethread, Zoom, or Kaltura. Once you have completed your recording, you should submit both your paper and presentation.
Both your paper and presentation should be cited, including graphics. Please refer to the weekly essay assignments for examples of in-text citation and reference entries.