Assessment: Essay with Literature Review Descriiption: In this assessment, stude

Assessment: Essay with Literature Review
Descriiption: In this assessment, stude

Assessment: Essay with Literature Review
Descriiption: In this assessment, students will write an essay with a literature review on a topic relevant to the Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs). The essay should explore key theoretical frameworks and perspectives for understanding practices within CCIs, drawing on various academic sources.
• To understand and critically evaluate key theoretical frameworks that apply to CCIs.
• To synthesise existing academic literature on a topic relevant to CCIs.
• To develop academic writing and argumentation skills.
1. Length: 2000 words
2. Format: APA or MLA citation style
3. Sections: Introduction, Literature Review, Discussion, Conclusion, References
4. Topics: Sustainable development within CCIs
* No AI is allowed, and you need to dodge AI queries. All references are guaranteed to be authentic and not made up. Needs to be analysed in depth rather than outlined.