Assignment 1: Need for Human Resources Management (10%) Introduction Now that yo

Assignment 1: Need for Human Resources Management (10%)
Now that yo

Assignment 1: Need for Human Resources Management (10%)
Now that you have worked your way through Module 1, it is time to demonstrate your knowledge of the concepts and best practices introduced and discussed in the modules and the textbook by applying them to your own personal work experiences. You will be asked to use an employer you have worked for. You will need to use the same employer and job in all assignments as the assignments build on each other. Given the content of the material, this must be a Canadian employer.
Use the all the relevant course material in your answers. Do not use additional resources unless you are specifically asked to do so in the instructions.
For the purpose of this assignment, do not use direct quotes. Take what you are learning in the textbook and reword them in your own words (i.e., paraphrase). This will help you learn the course material and it will demonstrate that you understand it. Points will be removed if you use direct quotes and if you use other sources if the material is found in the textbook or modules.
Assignment 1 is organized into three parts and will count for 10% of your final course grade. Parts A, B, and C total 100 marks.
The mark distribution is as follows:
Part A: Every Manager is an HR Manager
Part B: Responding to the Changing Environment
Part C: The Legal Environment
Part A: Every Manager is an HR Manager (30 Marks)
Based on what you have learned in this module, reflect on the following:
HRM and the key functions
The critical competencies of an HR professional (10 marks)
Write a report approximately two pages in length—not more than 500 words—which should include your comments in response to the following:
Human resource is every manager’s business. Why is the management of human resources key to every management job in every organization, regardless of whether there is a human resources department in the organization? Make sure you define the role of a manager and identify the key concepts and functions. (20 marks)
Submission Criteria
Your report must incorporate some of the key concepts and best practices introduced in this module.
Minimize the use of direct quotes by paraphrasing. Make sure you cite the source.
You must demonstrate evidence of critical thinking and analysis.
You must present a logical and persuasive argument. There should be an introduction, paragraphs, and a conclusion.
You must support your arguments with examples or illustrations from the textbook. Make sure you cite your sources.
You must follow APA format, citation, and referencing.
You must ensure your work is properly edited for grammar and spelling.
Part B: Responding to the Changing Environment (40 marks)
Human resources professionals play an important role in environmental scanning to enable organizations to formulate their overall strategic business plans. The purpose of this exercise is for you to apply the environmental influences on HRM practices you have learned about on a case. Using the Canadian organization you have worked for respond to the following:
Provide brief background information about your chosen organization, including the organization’s goals and values, business activity/activities, number of employees, and so on. You can research this section. Make sure you cite and reference the material (5 marks)
Comment on the business challenges and trends affecting your organization today. Make sure you have fully read and apply the best practice model found in the textbook for this answer. (see table 1.3 of the textbook) (25 marks)
Explain an organization goal for the next year. Explain how this goal need change in staffing (e.g., numbers, skills, etc.)? Explain (10 marks)
Part C: The Legal Environment (30 marks)
Discuss the employment legislation in Canada by:
Discuss the different jurisdictions that exist in Canada and how does the HRM professional distinguishes between an organization is federally or provincially legislated.
Consider a provincially regulated employer (e.g., a coffee shop or gas station). Identify the employment laws that apply and explain the implications of these laws on HRM policies and practices that you encounter.
Use Chapter 2 of your textbook and Topic 4 of Module 1 as well as the actual legislation in your answer only. Your written answer should not be more than two pages, which is approximately 500 words.
Completion Guidelines
Submit your assignment (Parts A, B, and C) through this submission tool. Be sure to save your assignment as a Word document, and name it according to the following format:
A1_HRMN2821_Last name
Please do not break your assignment into separate word files; save all your work for this assignment as one .docx file.
Did you put your name and student number on the document?
Did you complete all the required elements and clearly label the parts?
Did you use information, best practices, and terminology learned in this module?
Did you support your statements with specific examples?
Did you cite, reference, including your textbook and modules, using correct APA format?
Did you ensure that there are no spelling mistakes?
Is your report grammatically correct, clear, and well organized?
Grading Criteria
Grading will be based on your:
Understanding of the concepts contained in the course materials and your ability to reflect this understanding using the material.
Ability to connect your own experiences and opinions with the course material and any other outside sources.
Use of proper referencing of the course materials and any outside sources. Use outside sources where directed to do so and where the information cannot be found in the course material only.
Ability to clearly express your opinions.
Ability to present your work in a professional manner; note that grammar, punctuation, and spelling will be taken into consideration when assignments are evaluated.
Many of the assignment questions will ask for your experiences on certain topics. Use these questions to talk about your own experiences and then connect these experiences to the course materials. Your assessment is based on your ability to connect your experiences to the material and not on your personal opinion.