Assignment Directions Part 1: Learning Organizations and Value Creation Review t

Assignment Directions
Part 1: Learning Organizations and Value Creation
Review t

Assignment Directions
Part 1: Learning Organizations and Value Creation
Review the 6 key elements of a learning organization (Ch. 11 of Strategic Management by Dess).
Evaluate the extent to which—high, medium, or low—the company you selected epitomizes each of the 6 elements.
In 1-3 sentences, justify the rating you assigned to each key element with examples.
Recommend at least 1 step the organization’s leaders could take to enhance 1 of the elements and explain how that could help the organization create more value.
Cite references to support your assignment.
Part 2: Strategic Recommendations Memo
Write a 4- to 6-page memo to the CEO of the company you’ve been assessing throughout the course, outlining your plan to create economic, social, and
environmental value. In your memo, include the following items:
• An executive summary of the memo
• A summary of the organization’s strengths and weaknesses from Competency 1 Assessment, Part 1, and recommendations for converting weaknesses into
• A summary of your findings on Porter’s five forces from Competency 2 Assessment, Part 1
• A summary of your findings on the diamond of national advantage from Competency 2 Assessment, Part 2
• A summary of your analysis of the firm as a learning organization from Part 1 of this assessment
• Strategic recommendations based on your previous work in this course. Include the opportunity identified in Competency 1 Assessment, Part 2, the move into
the country identified in Competency 2 Assessment, Part 2, and any recommended moves toward being a learning organization. Provide a rationale for each
Cite references to support your assignment.