Assignment: Your instructor will assign you individually or as a group to one of

Assignment: Your instructor will assign you individually or as a group to one of

Assignment: Your instructor will assign you individually or as a group to one of the 15 companies. If assigned as a group – each group is responsible for a specific company. For example, if you are assigned to Group 1, your group will complete this assignment using AMAZON. You will receive a group grade. The total number of points possible for this assignment is 100. A rubric follows at the end of this document. Review your assigned company’s most recent annual report and use the company’s most recent annual report or 10K filing for your analysis. Deliverable Guidelines: Put a title on your report that includes the names of each student in your group. Create a report in word with headings for each section below. Under each heading, provide a thorough response/analysis. Webnet & Lecture students only: Be prepared to give a short 10-15 minute summary of your team’s findings during the last night of the course. Your instructor will provide guidance if a PPT is required ( Webnet and Lecture sections only). The instructor may adjust the rubric to include points for presentation. 1. Value Creation Provide background information on your company. Create a value proposition for the company and discuss the key value proposition components as they relate to your company. Explain how the company creates value and for whom. Explain the company’s value capture strategy. Discuss Porter’s Five Forces as it relates to your company. 2. Supply/Demand Analysis Identify a risk to the success of the company from the risks listed in the company’s most recent 10K filing, and create a scenario that depicts the risk and its potential impact on the company’s business that would cause a shift in supply and/or demand. Describe the potential impact of the shift(s) on the business. Create a supply/demand chart that illustrates your scenario. 3. Ratio Analysis Perform ratio analysis using below as a guideline. Summarize the results of your analysis under the headings of profitability, leverage and efficiency and note any opportunities for the company to improve results. Profitability Analysis Return on Total Equity Return on Total Assets Net Profit Margin Operating Profit Margin Gross Profit Margin Leverage Analysis Debt to assets Debt to equity Efficiency Analysis Total asset turnover Receivable turnover Inventory turnover Fixed Asset turnover Environmental, Social and Governance Briefly provide an overview/summary of the company’s ESG strategy. Explain how the ESG framework/strategy reflects the social context of the company’s business. Explain the impact of the company’s ESG framework/strategy on financial results of the business. Briefly compare the company’s ESG framework to one close competitor. Grading Rubric: Topic Points Comments Value Creation 25 points The concept of “value creation” and the role of business in creating value is explained; the value proposition is articulated. Multiple approaches to value capture are identified. Supply/Demand Scenario 25 points Knowledge of demand/supply, determinants, and impact to each curve are illustrated and discussed. Ratio Analysis 25 points Measures of profitability, leverage, and efficiency are calculated and analyzed. ESG 25 points ESG Framework explored, and value identified for a broader range of stakeholders while simultaneously being cognizant of its environmental impact. Total 100 points