Assignments – Please review Prepare, Demonstrate, Explore, Reflect in Content se

Assignments – Please review Prepare, Demonstrate, Explore, Reflect in Content se

Assignments – Please review Prepare, Demonstrate, Explore, Reflect in Content section of Brightspace platform
Assignment # 2 – Transforming Bad Advertising Creative
In this assignment you will be focusing on best practices for building advertising creative. Develop a -5-6 page Powerpoint on the brand you “dislike” that includes the following:Overview of the brand/product including:
Brand features and benefits
Brand Attributes
Brand Value
Target Audience (determine different groups to market to)
Description of principles of this brand that make it coherent, unique, relevant
2. Include original Ad3. Re-create the advertising into a compelling ad that combines visual and message to reach the consumer/target audience in a positive way. Include your recreated ad in your paper.4. Explain the steps you took to make it better and why ad is vastly improved5.Explanation of what you did to transform ad into good advertising – why is it improved and what does it now accomplish? What strategy did you use as you recreated this ad?Submit to Brightspace Assignment #2 by deadline.Be prepared to present a short presentation in class on the original ad and the recreated ad and explain why it is bad and rationale for what you changed to make it good.Please review reading assignments (Prepare) and also begin work on: Discussions: Branding in the Age of Social MediaRead Case Study and submit 4 key learnings in Brightspace Discussions in Forum/Topic area for this article.
EXPLORE: If you wish to further your understanding of brand and its importance to its success, additional reading and viewing materials are listed below:Has Brand Marketing Changed Forever…Or do the Fundamentals Stay Unchanged?
How Do Brands Become a Part of Our Culture
How to Have Inclusive Brand Marketing – Authentically
Simplicity: The Key to Building. A Successful Brand