Attached is the RUBRIC for the essay. Also, I will be attaching You are require

Attached is the RUBRIC for the essay. Also, I will be attaching
You are require

Attached is the RUBRIC for the essay. Also, I will be attaching
You are required to write a research-based essay that analyzes a literary work(s) on our Course
Outline. The link marked Writing Resources (which you’ll find on the Course Menu) gives specifics on research such as integrating quotes and compiling an annotated works cited. There is a link to the library and a rubric that I use for correcting and grading student essays. Week 6 on the link marked Weekly Assignments gives you an introduction to the essay which includes sample topics and criteria such as length, research requirements, and due dates for submitting the assignment.
Question: Where will you find the rubric I use to grade essays? Where will you find sample essay topics that I suggest? Which is the topic that most appeals to you?
SLO 3: Be able to write essays that demonstrate your engagement with literature and your ability to analyze it.
SLO 4: Be able to research literary criticism, use it to evaluate texts, and document it in your essays using MLA format.
Be able to compile an Annotated Works Cited page using MLA format.
Getting Started: Research-Based Essay, 5-7 pp.
Think about a topic for your Research-Based Essay. The information below describes the requirements for this assignment. Here are several sample topics that you might want to consider:
These are just a few of many possible topics you may select. Be sure that your include research (this is a research paper…that includes documentation) in your essay.
Select a topic for your essay.
Research three or more articles (or any other type of sources) for your paper.
Outline the paper: 1. State your thesis, 2. Use bullets to list ideas that you’ll use to develop the essay.
Post your topic on the Discussion Board, along with your research titles and outline. I’ll review your work and reply to you.
Reply to two of your classmates’ posts.
Due Date: midnight February 12th
Research-Based Essay…Here are a few more specifics about the paper.-
Length: 5-7 pages (This does not include the Annotated Works Cited.)
Credit Value: 40 points toward your final grade
Research: You are required to use at least three outside sources. These should be scholarly articles that shed light on the meaning of your text(s).
Be sure to use relevant quotes from your text or primary source to support the ideas you are developing.
Include an Annotated Works Cited page at the end of the essay. Consult the Writing Resources tab for instructions on how to document, how to annotate a source, and how to create an Annotated Works Cited page
Essay due midnight Feb. 22nd
Work citing
Death of the ball turret gunner
Works Cited
Eckel, Jan. “Pivot Years. World War II in 20th-Century History.” Journal of Modern European History 21.2 (2023): 154-174.
JARRELL. R. The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner. (n.d).
Roediger III, Henry L., et al. “Competing national memories of World War II.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116.34 (2019): 16678-16686.
YouTube. Chronicles of Courage: B-17 and the Ball Turret. (n.d).