Background theoretical readings A Beginner’s Guide to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Moti

Background theoretical readings
A Beginner’s Guide to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Moti

Background theoretical readings
A Beginner’s Guide to Herzberg’s Two-Factor Motivation Theory (2023)
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory of Motivation-Hygiene (2023)
Theory X and Theory Y (2023)
Exploring McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y of Organizational Development (2023)
Embracing the future of work and omni-connected experience (2023)
Text: 14.1 Motivation: Direction and Intensity (2023)
Text: 14.2 Content Theories of Motivation (2023)
Text: 14.3 Process Theories of Motivation (2023)
Text: 14.4 Recent Research on Motivation Theories (2023)
Scholarly Readings:
Lessons From The Office: Mismanaged Motivation (2023)
Mitigating Information Overload: An Experiential Exercise Using Role-Play to Illustrate and Differentiate Theories of Motivation (2023)
Case Assignment
Workplace Motivation by Generation
Use the assignment-specific template file in the Assignment Expectations section for all Cases and SLPs in this class. The templates are APA-formatted, may contain links and guidance, and include headings for each required section.
The assignment requires research and attribution. It cannot be based on opinion or personal experience. Ensure that you have a finished product that reflects your voice and is properly formatted using APA. No quotations are permitted in this submission.
Generational Motivation
Explore workplace motivation across different generations (Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z) through the lens of Herzberg’s two-factor theory.
Use ChatGPT or another AI program to make connections between the theory and generational motivation. This will help you decide on optimal search terms to find quality resources supporting this section. If you use an idea provided by ChatGPT, you must cite and reference the program.
Provide an overview of Herzberg’s two-factor theory (1 page). Research required.
Critically analyze the hygiene factors that serve as motivators and demotivators for each generation (2 pages: ½ page per generation). Research required.
WFH, RTO, and Job Satisfaction
Evaluate the impact of work from home versus in-office (or return to office) work using McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y.
Use ChatGPT or another AI program to make connections between the theories and WFH vs. RTO. This will help you decide on optimal search terms to find quality resources supporting this section. If you use an idea provided by ChatGPT, you must cite and reference the program.
Provide an overview of McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y (1 page). Research required.
Critically analyze how each work setting aligns with or challenges these theories (1 ½ pages: ¾ of a page per theory). Research required.