Background Threaded discussion is a major component of this course. Words are po

Threaded discussion is a major component of this course. Words are po

Threaded discussion is a major component of this course. Words are powerful. Be mindful that both the written word and the spoken word can have a positive or negative impact on a reader or listener. As such, address all posts with civility and professionalism. The Civility section of the Course Outline below will be strictly enforced. It is especially crucial in an academic setting to contribute to discussions in a collegial manner and support your posts with relevant cites to the textbook. This manner of communication is vastly different from social media postings of opinion-based rhetoric. Please use classmates’ names in your posts when responding to them. For highest performance and points, submit your initial post early enough in the week to allow for maximum exchange. Then, respond to two or more students with two or more additional posts on two or more different days to see the progression of the discussion throughout the week. Discussion Boards (DB) Posting Requirements: Participation requirements for graded discussions are the same for all 4 weeks:
Each week, for full credit, you must make at least 3 posts per discussion question according to the following process:
-(Required) Post a response to the original question (please do so no later than Wednesday so that others may realize the benefit of your comments). -(Required) Post a minimum of 2 responses to a classmate’s response (by the end of the week). -(Optional) Additional posts and days of participation are not required but are certainly welcome. Notes and Suggestions: -Please support your posts with citations to the textbook. Personal experiences that are relevant and on-point are also encouraged and valued in follow-up posts after your initial post.
-Please use classmates’ names and note discussion topic in your posts when responding. -Respond early in the week to generate a collaborative experience.
1. Discuss Intrinsic and Extrinsic Rewards and their relation to employee compensation and benefits. (Worth 5 points.)
In each additional post, respond in a substantive manner to your classmates’ posts. You may share personal experiences that are relevant and on-point. Grading
Initial post and peer replies due by Sunday at 11:59 pm PST. (Refer to Rubric)
Low performance
1 or 2 posts on same day; no interaction
Unsubstantiated opinion only
Moderate performance
2 or more posts on different days; interaction with one student
Integration of textbook ideas (cite page number)
High performance
3 or more posts on different days; interaction with two or more students
Integration of text ideas (cite page numbers); no