Based on the curriculum you chose for Module 8’s discussion board post, find a v

Based on the curriculum you chose for Module 8’s discussion board post, find a v

Based on the curriculum you chose for Module 8’s discussion board post, find a video using EduTopia or Youtube to show how your chosen curriculum is being utilized within a classroom (you may use any grade level that depicts that curriculum). While watching the video, you will specifically watch for indicators of the curriculum. You make connections to what you learned about curriculum in Module 8 and also your continued reflection on your evolving philosophy of teaching and education.
Next, write a short 1-2 page paper that includes responses to these questions:
On the title page of your paper, put the name of the curriculum you chose. (remember the title page is not part of the 1-2 page count but is required for all APA papers)
On page 2 (which is technically the start of your paper), you will have a subheader that includes the name of your video and the link as well. (The link and title must be provided).
How well was the curriculum demonstrated in the video you chose?
What evidence supports this? (Be specific – Don’t just say, “The teacher did a good job with……state examples of what she did and how it aligns with that curriculum).
What guides or curriculum materials did you see the teacher use?
How did the students respond to the curriculum? (Respond to the curriculum, not the teacher.)
Based on the lesson shown in this video, do you feel another style of curriculum would have been a better chose? Why? Explain your answer. If you think it did well, still explain why. Provide evidence to support why you feel this curriculum worked or why another would be a better option.
*****Finally, conclude your paper by reflecting on your most recent observation and include the following:
How did learning and observing (through a video) about various curriculum confirm or alter your philosophy of teaching and education? Please share specific examples to support your answer.
What did you learn new through this observation that you did not know previously about teaching/education?
Formatting Requirements
Title page is not included in the 1-2 page requirement for the paper.
Use one-inch margins.
Use a 12-point Times New Roman font.
Use double line spacing in the document.
Use APA documentation style to cite sources used within the written response and to create a reference page, if appropriate. If you have a reference page, it too does not count in the 1-2 page paper requirement.
Grading Criteria
You will be graded on the following:
Objective Observations:
Did the video depict the curriculum you chose?
Did you document and fully explain how the teacher demonstrated that curriculum?
No assumptions, bias, opinions, or emotions are present
Identification of Module Concept:
Ability to connect what was observed to the module content (curricula in educational settings)
Ability to connect the observation to your philosophy of teaching and education
College-level Writing:
APA Formatting
Overall readability
Links to observation videos: