Blog, Vlog or Canva – Unit 1 Modules: Weeks 1-4 Learning Activity: You will crea

Blog, Vlog or Canva – Unit 1
Modules: Weeks 1-4
Learning Activity:
You will crea

Blog, Vlog or Canva – Unit 1
Modules: Weeks 1-4
Learning Activity:
You will create a Blog, Vlog or Canva which demonstrates your ability to synthesize your learning over the last 4 modules. You are responsible for demonstrating the ways that the concepts from each of the 4 modules relate to each other, how they deepen our understanding of child welfare issues, and how they provide us with information that empowers us to prevent child abuse. Learning Objectives:
The student will demonstrate mastery of concepts over the last 4 modules through the use of textual analysisLinks to an external site. (scroll down the chart to see the definition). The student will utilize critical thinking and analysis skills to discuss how the topics in the different modules relate to each other. The student will discuss how to apply the new learning and understanding gained in these modules to prevent child abuse and neglect. First
Go back and review the last 4 modules. Select at least 4 key concepts from each module that you believe are important. It might be helpful to review your 1-2-3 Reflection Journal when selecting your concepts. Or use your weekly hand written study guide to select your 4 topics. Second
Choose your favorite pre-writing activity. This could be a Thinking Map, a Ven Diagram, or any other method of analyzing the concepts that you have selected as important. Analyze the relationships between the concepts that you have selected. Example: Domestic Abuse is often times made worse when a parent uses substances because substance use is known to lower inhibitions. If a parent’s inhibitions are lower, they are more likely to behave violently and may be less concerned about whether or not the children witness their violent behavior against the other parent. Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence have the following risk factors in common: …
Write an outline which organizes your thinking and the points that you want to make in your presentation. Use this format for your outline:
Blog, Vlog or Canva Outline Format – RequiredIntroduction to your concepts and how they relate to each otherBriefly tell us: What 5 concepts did you choose? Why are they important in child welfare? What are the main points of the Unit?
How do they help us understand child welfare better/more deeply? Important information in the from the Unit5 important points of important information from the unit which you will discuss in your synthesis. Here you want to discuss what the concepts are, what they mean, provide a context, demonstrate you mastery of the concepts
Synthesize the the information above, discussing how the concepts when understood together, extend and deepen our understanding of Child WelfareConsider other how the concepts relate to each other and differ from each other
Discuss how these concepts relate to those relationships and increases our understanding of the material
ConclusionSummarize what you have told us in the introduction and body of your presentation
Summarize your synthesis
If you are doing the Vlog with the Powerpoint you must have a minimum of 12 slides including 1 title page, 1 reference page and 10 slides with content. If you are doing the Blog, you will have a minimum of 10 paragraphs following the outline above. In text academic citations and references at the end are required. Don’t forget to include images and graphics to make it visually appealing A paragraph contains a topic sentence, a minimum of 3 supporting sentences and a transition or conclusion sentence. College level writing and grammar are required, just as with any academic paper you would write
If you are doing the Canva, you will have sections that introduce your theme, 5 important points from the unit, a synthesis and a conclusion with academic citations in text and a separate section for references.Don’t forget to include images and graphics to make it visually appealing
Now that you have a general overview of the relationships between the different concepts, Choose which communication mode you would like to use to demonstrate your learning.Using Textual Analysis Choose From: Blog Vlog
Then… Record and CREATE – CREATE – CREATEYou recording will be a 5 minute minimum. Last
EmbedLinks to an external site. your assignment to the discussion board to share with your fellow students. Upload a transcript of your recording in your post.
Upload any powerpoint slides, Canva or other items you used in your presentation. This assignment may be turned in up to 2 weeks late for up to 1/2 credit. No assignments will be accepted after the grace period. Remember
You must use APA in text citations and provide references. Assignments should be typed, double spaced, using 12 point font. (Even a Vlog will include a reference page and citations). Grammar, spelling and college level English count.