By completing this project, you’ll be demonstrating that you can determine an ap

By completing this project, you’ll be demonstrating that you can determine an ap

By completing this project, you’ll be demonstrating that you can determine an appropriate research methodology and design aligned to a specific research question.
You are a research assistant for a faculty member in the Department of Psychology at a university. You have been asked to develop a research plan focused on one of the topics the faculty member is interested in studying.
For this project, you will review the topics provided by your faculty member and select the topic that interests you most. Then you will use the library to find relevant empirical and scholarly research studies to inform the research. Finally, you will develop a research plan to submit to your faculty member.
Determines the plan’s background introduction.
Develops a clear and specific research question that is relevant to the three research studies chosen.
Develops a clear, specific, and testable hypothesis that corresponds to the research question.
Describes aspects of sampling that would be considered while acquiring participants for the study.
Selects a design (experimental or correlational) for the proposed study that aligns with the research question and hypothesis.
Selects a measure to operationally define each of the conceptual variables.
Describes the type of analysis and the p value required to support the hypothesis.
Develops the plan’s discussion content.
The relationship between meditation and stress in U.S. workers
This is an example of how it should look